I've been talking a lot lately to strangers and semi-strangers - on planes, in classes, etc. - and I've been open about my life and my trials and my eventual triumphs. I see it all now blossoming before me like a scenic landscape of Crayola green glens with red apple polka dots and dabs of yellow sunshine. I see joy and contentment. I am in the midst of it. I feel it, and yet when I tell someone how blessed I have become I struggle with tears. I don't know why. I know that I have reached a pinnacle. I feel, at work, that I am fulfilled and that I am fulfilling others. I feel, with my child, that no mother could have a more tender, loving child. I feel, in my life, I have been exorbitantly provided for - a lovely cottage home in a lovely small town. I feel more loved than I have ever felt, more accepted. I don't know if these are tears of joy because I have never felt this kind of joy. Tears of a child who has felt so alone for so long who is finally embraced.