Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year's far so good.

1. Eat breakfast every morning. This was a good idea. Not only do I get that physical nourishment that I need to start the day, which keeps me from feeling ill and achy by lunchtime, but I also have a few minutes of reflection and relaxation at that I really needed. You know, taking a moment to slice the peaches, the grapefruit, butter the bread, sit, listen to music, give thanks. It's nice. I'm enjoying it.

2. Read for pleasure each day. Right now, it's Saving Fish From Drowning by Amy Tan. I've managed to find a little time before I fall asleep each night.

3. Dance or make music each day. This one is for my son because I was worried that I wasn't taking enough time to really have fun with him. Yesterday we turned on Putumayo's Afro-Latino album, and he banged on the drum while I played tambourine. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

4. Paint once a week. This is also for my son because we had so much fun this weekend elbow-deep in primary colors. Literally, elbow-deep. The child painted his own arm, calling it a tattoo. However, it is much too involved an activity to do more than once a week. The rest of the week we'll have to stick to crayons.

5. Cook at least four night each week. This is a money-saver, but also a time-appreciater. As with the slicing of fruits and buttering of breads, there's something relaxing about taking the time to chop and stir. Of course, these don't have to be challenging dinners. Mac and cheese is okay, as long as I'm cooking it myself.

6. Shop only at the grocery store. Another money-saver. I've gotten so reliant on Wal-mart or Target to pass the time, which also results in passing the buck. Back in New Orleans, we'd spend too hot or too cold days at the museum of art or at the aquarium. We don't have those options here. However, the dancing and music-making and cooking may solve my dilemma of finding ways to play indoors.

7. Read at least one professional article each week. If I'm going to grow as a person, I may as well grow as a professional, too. It's good for everybody - me, my kids, and even my family, as I might benefit financially from expanding my knowledge base.


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