Sunday, August 28, 2005

Tai chi in the park and other paths.

I had a dream Friday night that I walked into a field where dozens of silent people were moving from one tai chi pose to another. The transitions were seamless non-actions. I don't remember much about the dream aside from the tai chi.

Saturday morning, I took Fain to City Park in the center of Rocky Mount to feed the ducks. We hadn't been together in a month or more, and I wanted to spend some time with him outdoors since the weather is growing milder. I nearly changed my mind because I had other things to do, but I decided to put other things on the back burner.

On the way to the park, we passed a field where peanut plants clung to the soil and radiated green. In the middle of the field, Canadian geese were scattered in various poses, quiet and still. They seemed mysterious and important to me. I've never seen so many geese gathered anywhere other than a lake. I've never seen them so motionless.

As I drove past the lake at City Park, I saw a flock of geese dive, flippers first, into the water, wings spread, brown ankles jutting outward. I wondered if these were the same geese that I'd passed in the field. Why shouldn't they come here, too?

In the park, a small group of men and women wearing black and white tai chi suits were passing from one pose to another. Palm up and out, leg bent forward, chin up then right, and so on. I stopped and stared and held Fain's hand.

I thought several things. I thought of old fairy tales about human-bird hybrids that change forms at will or at random. I thought of coincidences and the curiosity of dreams - mental debris or occasional harbinger. I thought that I was on the trail of something meaningful that I didn't understand yet.

Of course, it meant nothing at all, but it seemed strange at the time.


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