Monday, August 08, 2005

An entirely new kind of anxiety.

I received more kind words regarding this weblog, and somehow I've transformed it into a new kind of anxiety. I don't know how I do that. My great-grandmother, Dearie, called it "borrowing trouble from tomorrow." Essentially, I don't feel that I have an adequate amount of anxiety today, so I borrow anxiety about something that could possibly happen in a few days time. Let me give you an example.

I read the lovely compliment from this poor hung-over devil just today, and what were my secondary thoughts? (My primary thoughts were, of course, inexpressible girly, giddy squeals of delight owing to the fact that someone complimented me.) But the secondary reaction? Here they are, folks, the thoughts of a lunatic: oh my gosh, someone likes this. what if i can't write anything decent ever again?! i can't write. there's nothing to write about! why did i ever sign up for this damn blog in the first place!!!????

Crazy? Indubitably. Delicious? Yes, that too.

Thank you, Maltese Pirate.


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