Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The rule of three...as it relates to honeybuns.

I'm feeling good today. No real existential dilemmas. The three honeybuns that I just devoured may have something to do with that. I justified the second one by telling myself that I deserved it because the baby ate part of the first one. Obviously a small portion of one honeybun cannot fill a grown woman. Sure, the kid only ate a teeny nibble, but that was one nibble less for me. And I needed it. The third one? I have no way to justify it. It was the last one. Maybe I was concerned that it would be lonely? I don't know. It was good though. I was jittery from the pot of coffee that I drank, so maybe three honeybuns were necessary to calm my nerves. Though, considering the amount of sugar contained in just one honeybun, I may have defeated the purpose of honeybun consumption if that was the case.

Feeling no particular angst or despair today, I find that I have nothing more to say.


Blogger natalie said...

me too!

12:02 AM  
Blogger Autumn said...

God, you two. Okay. Yes. I had a menage a quatre with pastries. Cheap ones, at that. But not tarts.

5:27 AM  

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